Archive for March, 2008

Improve your music listening experience with MP3gain

Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on March 5th, 2008.
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If there’s one thing I hate when listening to music on my mp3 player, it is the difference in loudness between songs. If you’ve got a very poorly ripped album, you’ve got to change the volume of songs time after time. Besides that, these differences in loudness may go unnoted leading to hearing problems. With MP3gain, this problem is history.


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File-sharing showdown: Usenet vs. Bittorrent

Posted by Nick in File sharing, Tech on March 4th, 2008.

When Bittorrent inherited the earth a while ago, file sharing became more popular than ever. The other major player in file sharing land is Usenet. Usenet has been around for quite a while as a public message network, but is also very popular when it comes to file sharing. Therefore it’s time to make a comprehensive comparison between these two.


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Your computer can help science with BOINC

Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on March 2nd, 2008.

Did you ever want to do something for science? Now is your chance! With BOINC you can donate your hard disk space and CPU power to (scientific)projects with just a few clicks.


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Weekly Album #1: Wolfmother’s Wolfmother

Posted by Flo in Music, Weekly Album on March 1st, 2008.

Youtube is a great way to share music and video media with the world, and luckily people do share this media with each other, so why don’t make use of it? From now on, I will try to discuss an album of a popular artist every week, and add links to the songs (on youtube) and the lyrics to the review. I will also mark the tracks I really like with an “*”, so you’re able to get an impression of what the album offers in a few clicks. The first album I will discuss is the album Wolfmother from the band Wolfmother, as it is an album that let me appreciate metal music.


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