Lending your computer to science is a good thing to do, but you don’t want to have any consequences. If you disable the BOINC screensaver, the BOINC manager will even run if you are using the computer. This can slow down your computer pretty much. Luckily there’s a simple trick to prevent this, and still let BOINC run when you’re using the computer.
(more...)Archive for June, 2008
Stop BOINC from slowing down your computer too much
Posted by Flo in Tech, Tricks on June 22nd, 2008.Jun
Tags: boinc, grid, guide, networking, trick
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Hitman Pro Anti-Spyware Combo
Posted by Flo in Freeware on June 14th, 2008.Jun
Tags: free, removal, review, software, spyware, trojan, virus
The downside of having a popular OS like Windows is that people make virusses and spyware for it. And because you generally don’t know if you’ve downloaded some spyware on your computer, you’ll need software to detect it, and to remove it. One of the best ways to do this is using “Hijack This”, but it is quite hard to use, so you probably want something more user friendly. The problem of the easier software is that most companies only offer some sort of a demo version for free, so you’ll need different programs to find all spyware. This is exactly what Hitman Pro offers.
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