Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

Embracing the Digital Era… Sort of.

Posted by Sandstorm in Offbeat, Tech on July 13th, 2012.
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A Newbie’s first steps into the hell of Digital Distribution.


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Get acces to your Kubuntu samba server

Posted by Flo in Tech, Tricks on May 6th, 2012.
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While trying to access some files on my Kubuntu computer from Mac OS X through samba, I ran into the problem that the password I set in the Kubuntu’s system settings for network sharing was denied. It turned out that it wasn’t even accessible through smbclient from the machine itself, and it resulted in a NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error. The fix was actually quite simple and probably the result of lazy reading when I was setting up the samba server. Read on if you’ve got the same problems.


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Retrieving files from mac OSX (backup) dmg file

Posted by Flo in Tricks on November 30th, 2010.
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A little while ago, the my brother’s macbook pro died a horrible death (Apple hardware tends to do that). Luckily a backup of the hard disk could be made with the mac disk utility. Well, luckily… Retrieving the data from the .dmg file seems to be more troublesome than I hoped it would be. When accessed with mac software, not all data could be retrieved (some files don’t even appear). However, after a long night of work, I got access to all the files again. How? read on…


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Kubuntu Lucid Lynx after upgrade gfx driver problems

Posted by Flo in Tricks on May 12th, 2010.
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After upgrading to the new Kubuntu version: Lucid Lynx, the graphics drivers on my computer stopped functioning. Any attempt to reïnstall them failed because they seemed to be already intstalled. After a quick search, more people seem to be affected by this. The only work-around I found resulted in working open source drivers (for ATI: fglrx), but not in working commercial drivers. Though, after an hour of trial and error problem solving I seem to have everything working again. Here’s a short guide for people who didn’t find the solution yet.


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Free Usenet Binary Servers with IPv6

Posted by Flo in File sharing on October 24th, 2009.
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Usenet is probably the best source for your daily downloading needs, but a big problem is finding the right servers, that is, if you don’t want to pay for it. The reality is that there aren’t free usenet binary servers, simply because it would cost too much to maintain them. However, with the sudden need to make the IPv6 system more popular, there are a few free binary servers open for public, but you’ll need to enable IPv6 on your computer to use them. In this guide I will give the easiest setup how to do this using SABnzbd+. If it’s not working for you, I also have a few IPv4 binary servers for you, maybe they’ll work.


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Solving white screen after upgrading to KDE4

Posted by Flo in Tricks on May 7th, 2009.
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After every large Kubuntu upgrade my computer seems to get problems, probably because the hardware is quite old. When upgrading to Kubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope, I got yet another graphics related problem leading to a white screen after logging into kubuntu. It did take me some time to find the best solution, so here it is, I hope you’ll find it faster than I did.


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Winamp, the best media player around?

Posted by Flo in Freeware on March 12th, 2009.
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At the moment, the most popular media players are definetely Windows Media Player and iTunes. Nevertheless, Winamp is also a pretty big player in this market and until a little while ago I was really sure that Winamp was the best media player around. But now VLC has made me think twice about that. However, I still have a few arguments why Winamp is the best mediaplayer, and not VLC…


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Install source code in tar.gz packages in Kubuntu

Posted by Flo in Tricks on January 25th, 2009.
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If you’re the administrator of your Kubuntu installation, you probably have to install a program or two. The most popular applications are installable through the adept package manager, but sometimes you’ll need something that’s only distributed in tar.gz source packages. If you’re lucky, there’s a file in it, otherwise this guide may come in handy…


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Internetspotter’s Quick Guide to Usenet Part 1: Connecting to Usenet

Posted by Flo in File sharing on January 3rd, 2009.
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One of the fastest and safest ways to get your files is through usenet. The only problem for a lot of people is that it’s quite hard to use, so I’ve planned to make 3 easy, step by step, guides that will open the doors to usenet for everyone who takes the time for it. In this first part I’ll show how to connect to usenet, in the second part I’ll show how you find and download files and in the third part I will explain how you can repair and make your files ready for use. This post is part 1 of the guide: connecting to usenet.


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Play AVCHD discs on your computer

Posted by Flo in Tricks on December 23rd, 2008.
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If you buy a High Definition (HD) camera, there’s a big chance that the output format will be AVCHD. The only way to maintain this HD quality is to write it on a disc in this format, but you will need a compatible player (blu-ray) to play it on your television. The problem starts when you want to play these discs on you computer. If you search the web, you will find websites where they tell you that buying expansive software is the only way to view the movies on these discs on you computer. This is, however, not true. In this guide I will tell you how to play AVCHD discs on you computer legally for free.


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