Archive for the ‘Websites’ Category

Google’s worl… web domination

Posted by Flo in Websites on November 12th, 2008.
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With the coming of Google Chrome, Google’s brand new browser, you can let your digital life (and parts of your life outside it) be fully controlled by Google. If you need a map because you don’t know the way: Google Maps, if you want to view some videos: Youtube or Google Video, your e-mail? Gmail of course… your pictures? Picasa… chatting? With Google Talk… Only information on sites like Wikipedia seemed to be free from Google’s supervision (unless you search for it with Google’s famous search engine), but with Chrome, you can even view that with the help of Google software…


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Image to ASCII converter roundup

Posted by Flo in Tech, Websites on May 3rd, 2008.
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Making ASCII art of your images if probably one of the most useless functions the internet offers, but it can be quite cool when you get a nice result. I’ve listed some sites that offer Image to ASCII converting so you can try it out for yourself. Some websites really give you high quality results!


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Online converting

Posted by Flo in Tech, Websites on April 12th, 2008.
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When sharing information through the internet, nothing is more irritating than people who share information in uncommon formats, or let’s say: formats that you don’t use. Through the years, this problem has grown worse because every OS has it’s own text software that creates his own filetypes, his own media software that creates his own media extensions, etc. The best solution would be an open format that every platform should support, but that would damage some important monopoly positions, and who is going to decide which format is used? This is why there’s only one solution to the compatibility problem: converting from one format to the other. There’s some nice software to do this on the web, but the easiest software isn’t (spam)free, and you need quite some applications to be able to convert everything to anything. Luckily, web based convertors provide a better solution.


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