While the Swine Flu is spreading all over the world, you are thinking: what to do to be safe? Well, the best way is to store a lot of food in your fridge, and lock yourself into your house till the whole world is zombiefied, and it’s safe to come out. And guess what, that’s gonna take a while, so you’ve got a lot of spare time on your hands, luckily there’s this month’s Time Wasters…
(more...)Time Wasters of the Month May 2009
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on May 7th, 2009.Tags: flash, free, games
Solving white screen after upgrading to KDE4
Posted by Flo in Tricks on May 7th, 2009.Tags: guide, Kubuntu, Linux, Tricks
After every large Kubuntu upgrade my computer seems to get problems, probably because the hardware is quite old. When upgrading to Kubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope, I got yet another graphics related problem leading to a white screen after logging into kubuntu. It did take me some time to find the best solution, so here it is, I hope you’ll find it faster than I did.
(more...)Time Wasters of the Month April 2009
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on April 4th, 2009.Tags: flash, free, games
It’s April, so spring is getting all powered up now, and so is the wheather. More sun, fewer cold days, so it’s the ideal time of the year to sit inside your house behind your computer, wasting time on games because you are so frickin’ bored. Luckily, this months time wasters are here to save you from boredom, check them out.
(more...)Asian Kung-Fu Generation – Mada Minu Ashita Ni
Posted by Sandstorm in Reviews on March 15th, 2009.Tags: ajikan, akfg, Asian, EP, Generation, JPop, kung-fu, review
Asian Kung-Fu Generation has had quite a productive year in 2008. They recorded and published a very good album in March and later on released an additional mini-album (or EP) in June and a second concept album in November. I got the last two albums in November and listened to them a lot of times, and now, after nearly 5 months I’ve found the time to write the review for one of them: Mada Minu Ashita Ni
(more...)Winamp, the best media player around?
Posted by Flo in Freeware on March 12th, 2009.Tags: burning, mediaplayer, mp3, Music, software
At the moment, the most popular media players are definetely Windows Media Player and iTunes. Nevertheless, Winamp is also a pretty big player in this market and until a little while ago I was really sure that Winamp was the best media player around. But now VLC has made me think twice about that. However, I still have a few arguments why Winamp is the best mediaplayer, and not VLC…
(more...)Time Wasters of the Month March 2009
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on March 4th, 2009.Tags: flash, free, games
There wasn’t a lot of time for me last moth to write some posts, but here’s the next Time Wasters, just so I won’t mess with the tradition. I hope I can post some more Internetspotter-like posts this month.
(more...)Time Wasters of the Month February 2009
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on February 7th, 2009.Tags: flash, free, games
A new month, a new collection of Time Wasters to waste your time on. This edition contains one of the best games that is ever made for the computer and one of the best free browser based strategy games that’s available. Check it out…
(more...)Install source code in tar.gz packages in Kubuntu
Posted by Flo in Tricks on January 25th, 2009.Tags: guide, Kubuntu, Linux, Ubuntu
If you’re the administrator of your Kubuntu installation, you probably have to install a program or two. The most popular applications are installable through the adept package manager, but sometimes you’ll need something that’s only distributed in tar.gz source packages. If you’re lucky, there’s a install.sh file in it, otherwise this guide may come in handy…
(more...)Internetspotter’s Quick Guide to Usenet Part 1: Connecting to Usenet
Posted by Flo in File sharing on January 3rd, 2009.Tags: files, filesharing, guide, usenet
One of the fastest and safest ways to get your files is through usenet. The only problem for a lot of people is that it’s quite hard to use, so I’ve planned to make 3 easy, step by step, guides that will open the doors to usenet for everyone who takes the time for it. In this first part I’ll show how to connect to usenet, in the second part I’ll show how you find and download files and in the third part I will explain how you can repair and make your files ready for use. This post is part 1 of the guide: connecting to usenet.
(more...)Time Wasters of the Month January 2009
Posted by Flo in Offbeat on January 1st, 2009.First of all the best wishes for 2009. I hope you’ve still got your fingers after the fireworks, you’ll need them for this month’s time wasters. Let’s start off…