Posts Tagged ‘archives’

Peazip: a multifunctional archiving tool

Posted by Flo in Open Source, Tech on September 10th, 2008.
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A long time ago, and I mean a VERY long time ago, my worst fear was only to be able to get certain files in a rar format, because I wasn’t able to open them. That is, untill I got WinRar, but it kept nagging me that I should buy the full version. Of course I didn’t like that, so I stopped downloading rar files. That is, until about a year ago when I started to download through usenet, where everything is distributed in rar archives. So I tried to find a better free tool with less irritations than WinRar. This is how I found PeaZip, and it gave me a reason to start downloading rar files again.


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Extract Now: small but powerful

Posted by Flo in Freeware, Tech on March 9th, 2008.
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Hundreds of extracting tools exist, of which most are free. There aren’t a lot of differences between them, but Extract Now does differ from the other free extracting tools. It’s small, it’s powerful, without any kind of ads and it´s incredibly easy to use.


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